Humble and Kind

It’s a choice to be Humble & Kind!

We used to have on the entrance of our church, “friendly people inside,” it may still be there, I can’t remember since the remodel. I’ve been thinking about that, a lot, with the unfriendly world we live in. We SHOULD have friendly people INSIDE ANY CHURCH, but, we need friendly people OUTSIDE the church too. That may be more important. We need people humble and kind in the store, on the streets and even on social media. It seems people get bold on social media. We need to be careful and mindful of how we treat and talk to people. You never know what someone is going through or has been through and that they may need someone to be friendly to them.

We all have opinions, and not everyone’s is the same, and that’s ok. We are to measure ourselves by the Bible, not other people.

“For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are an aroma that brings death; to the other, an aroma that brings life…

‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭2:15-16

A smell or fragrance leaves a lasting impression. It can bring back a memory, good or bad, make you think of someone or something.

The sense of smell is my strongest sense. I can smell the slightest thing, a lot of times, before anyone else. I also have allergies to a lot of fragrances and have to take allergy medicine if I come in contact with them. My point, smells (aromas) are potent.

Have you ever smelled something and it took you back to a different time and memory? I can smell a particular fragrance, and it reminds me of someone or someplace. I’ve heard of people holding on to something of someone’s because the smell helps them to remember that person or makes them feel with them.

I love to smell my summer clothes after I’ve used sunscreen, even after they’ve washed I can still smell it.

Aromas can be a good or bad thing.

It doesn’t take much of something that gives off an odor to affect.

Not all smells are good. For instance skunks, you can smell them, especially if they’ve sprayed. Maybe one sprayed one of your animals, or you ran over one on the road. Yuck! It’s hard to get the stinky smell off.

Did you know that believers are called to be the fragrance of Jesus?

We are to be a pleasing, sweet aroma of Christ.

Smells, Aromas, Fragrances whichever you call it, leaves a lasting impression.  We have to be careful and not leave someone with a bad aroma of Christ and leave them with a bad fragrance of religion.

As the aroma of Christ, what fragrance do YOU bring with you?

Lord, please shape my thoughts and actions so people may sense that I have been with You.

Years ago there was a big thing going around WWJD…What Would Jesus Do? It’s something we should think of.  Jesus spoke, and either people believed him or not, he didn’t argue with them. We debate so many things that we can turn people away from God. We leave a bad aroma of Christ with them. Share Jesus with them, be Jesus to them.

How do we give a sweet aroma?

Be like Christ

To be like Christ means we share what people need…HIM

Be Jesus to them!

They need to know Jesus first and foremost.

Be Authentic

Be Consistent 

Our words and our deeds must line up with each other and the Bible.

We have to prepare our hearts and words for the effect they will have on people.

What does it mean to be the fragrance of Christ

Enjoying the Simple Life,

💜 Davilyn 

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